[asterisk-users] Restarting Asterisk using a script - Thanks to all -

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Wed Mar 24 11:11:41 CDT 2010

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Amine Mrichcha wrote:

> I do have asterisk installed for a call center and I would like to know 
> if it is possible to create a scipt and execute it from a PC connected 
> to the Network without accessing the server. This script should restart 
> asterisk and another service related to aheeva.
> The problem now is that each time I have to access using PUTY to the 
> server to start and run services manually.
> Service asterisk restart
> Any help would be appreciated, sorry if it is a newbie question.

Why do you need to restart Asterisk? Is it crashing (in which case you 
should fix the underlying cause, not just put a band-aid over it) or is it 
not starting when the system is started?

If you are not going to access the server, what event is going to trigger 
the execution of your script?

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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