[asterisk-users] Busy Lamp Fields

Paddy Grice paddy at wizaner.com
Fri Jul 16 11:34:48 CDT 2010

Hi all 

A quick question about busy lamps

I have lamps working 'sort-of'  on my GXP2000 lamps flash with ringing and
go solid red when call gets answered but stay green when a call is made from
the extension.

Setup is Ext 200, 201, 202, each monitor the other two

when 200 calls 202 - the BLF on 200 and 201 flash red - when 202 answers
both 200 and 201 show BLF for 200 as red but neither 201 or 202 show the
calling extension 200 as busy 

Is this normal or have I missed something.

Seems BLF only work on called extensions - is there a way to show busy for
the calling extension?

any help or pointers would be more than welcome


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