[asterisk-users] 1.6.2: Using hints on multiple parking lots

Mike list at net-wall.com
Tue Jul 6 09:34:43 CDT 2010



How do I specify to which parking lot the hints refer to? 


For exemple, on 1.4 I use this to see whether a call is parked in 800:


exten => 800,hint,park:800 at parkedcalls


But on 1.6 I have multiple parking lots working apparently sucessfully.  How
do I build the hint for parkinglot1 and parkingloit2 so that my phone ,
which is subscribing to 800, only see parkinglot1 and NOT parkinglot2?


I tried the obvious answer

exten => 800,hint,park:800 at parkinglot1

but that didnt seem to do anything.







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