[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.2.37 + BLF + ParkedCalls + SPA962

Joel Lansden Joel at digitalparadise.net
Mon Jan 25 22:21:00 CST 2010

Greetings all.


First off, thank you for your time on this.  I have spent literally 12
hours searching every forum and article I can find, and I'm going
cross-eyed, so I need to bother everyone with this.


I am running * 1.2.37, and I am trying to get the hints working, so I
can turn one of my SPA962's LED's red when someone parks a call.


I have used Button #3 on my SPA962 to successfully monitor Zap channels,
SIP channels, trunks.. basically, everything ELSE, so I am pretty sure
my phone is set up properly.  But I CANNOT get this puppy to show me
when someone parks a call, regardless of the fact that call parking also
works perfectly on this system. 


I have found so much conflicting information regarding the [parkedcalls]
context, and the hints entry for extensions.conf (to use
"exten=>701,hint,park:701 at parkedcalls" vs.
"exten=>701,hint,Local/701 at parkedcalls"), as well as how to set up
features.conf, I just don't know which end is up.  


Does anyone out there know how to make this work with my setup?  When I
type "show hints", earlier is was saying "State:Unavailable", now it
shows "State:Idle" but never does anything when I park a call.  Here's
the files:




parkext => 700

parkpos => 701-710

context => parkedcalls

parkingtime => 90


Extensions.conf (there is more after this, but it's not relevant):














exten => 701,1,ParkedCall(701)

exten => 701,hint,Local/701 at parkedcalls


CLI> show hints:


 -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-

   701                 : Local/701 at parkedcall  State:Idle
Watchers  1


So, there you have it.  I hope somebody can help.





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