[asterisk-users] Script to show asterisk stuff

Will Payne will at teambadger.co.uk
Mon Jan 4 10:59:52 CST 2010

On 4 Jan 2010, at 16:46, Tiago Geada wrote:

> Hello folks.
> I'm looking into having a web page displaying asterisk callers.
> We are a call centre, and having operators answering calls at home or whatever, they would need to have a real time application to display how manny callers are queuing, for how long etc.
> At first, I thought of phpagi. It connects to the manager and does a "core show channels concise".
> This has most of the info I want.
> After tweaking with php to parse the text to exatcly how I wanted, I found out that the script would be slow if it was self refreshing (say 2 secs) and with about 30 people opening it at the same time.
> So now I was thinking in a script that would connect to the Manager, and parse that output into a mysql table.
> A Web page would consult the mysql table, showing the wanted results.

Or, if you want less work..  have a script which connects to the manager, formats the data and creates an HTML page. Then wait x seconds and loop.

Then, home workers just view that one static page and use a meta-refresh or something.. Only one script is doing any real work and serving a static page to clients shouldn't overload the server.


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