[asterisk-users] Interpbx connection

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Mon Apr 19 10:41:10 CDT 2010


> 2010/4/14 khalid touati <khalidtouati at gmail.com>

>       i've connecting two pbx server successfully for several times using the following config:
>       register => USPBX:mypass at
>       [PBX1]
>       type=friend
>       host=
>       trunk=yes
>       sercret=mypass
>       context=external
>       deny=
>       permit=
>       insecure=very
>       allow=all
>       nat=yes
>       qualify=yes
>       canreinvite=no
>       in the other and it's the analog.
>       but now i can only dial from one end, and the other en d is giving me this error.
>       Apr 14 16:44:21 ERROR[26502]: chan_sip.c:6659 register_verify: Peer 'PBX1' is trying to register, but not
>       configured as host=dynamic
>       when dialing a fast busy signal and it sauys in the CLI: CONGESTION. any help please!!!
>       --
>       Abdullah

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, khalid touati wrote:

> for people's future references: we found out that the option in DIAL 
> application in the extensions.conf has to be the same from both side, 
> the issue was India server was using "tr" while US server was using 
> "TWw" so we made them both using "tr" and that solved the issue, i guess 
> if one side is set to "trTWw" that would work regardless of the other 
> side but didn't try though. have a headeache-free experience with 
> asterisk "the future of telephony" :)!

Dial() options don't have any relationship to registration failures -- 
they happen at different times.

Registration failures may cause dial() failures.

I don't understand the relationship between ringing, transfer and 
recording options and dial() returning congestion. I'd suggest 
investigating exactly which combination is causing congestion before 
concluding it is unrelated to the registration failure.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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