[asterisk-users] Problem with Callfiles

Edwin Quijada listas_quijada at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 13 11:14:45 CDT 2010

I am trying to do a callfiel for autodialing but when I move the callfile to outdialing folder asterisk seems like if did the call but it doesnt.


I put here my callfile and that I get when asterisk begins to do the call


If anybody has idea, pls. Tell me




Channel: Zap/g1/8093908270

Callerid: 8093908270

MaxRetries: 2

RetryTime: 300

WaitTime: 45

Context: 1call

Extension: s

Priority: 1





exten => s,1,Playback(vm-intro)

exten => s,2,Playback(vm-goodbye)

exten => s,3,Hangup





I am getting this when I put the 1.call to outgoing directory. The call never started


 == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found

  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Found

Connected to Asterisk 1.4.30 currently running on ivr-server (pid = 1873)

Verbosity is at least 5

       > Channel Zap/8-1 was answered.

    -- Executing [s at 1call:1] Playback("Zap/8-1", "vm-intro") in new stack

    -- <Zap/8-1> Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')

    -- Executing [s at 1call:2] Playback("Zap/8-1", "vm-goodbye") in new stack

    -- <Zap/8-1> Playing 'vm-goodbye' (language 'en')

    -- Executing [s at 1call:3] Hangup("Zap/8-1", "") in new stack

  == Spawn extension (1call, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'Zap/8-1'

    -- Hungup 'Zap/8-1'

[Apr 13 00:54:03] NOTICE[2493]: pbx_spool.c:370 attempt_thread: Call completed to Zap/g1/8093908270



I tested the channel doing a call to this and I get this, the call worked



  -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/8-1'

[Apr 13 00:58:27] NOTICE[2496]: chan_dahdi.c:6869 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...

[Apr 13 00:58:28] NOTICE[2496]: chan_dahdi.c:6869 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...

[Apr 13 00:58:32] NOTICE[2496]: chan_dahdi.c:6869 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...

    -- Executing [s at from-pstn:1] Answer("Zap/8-1", "") in new stack

    -- Executing [s at from-pstn:2] Playback("Zap/8-1", "vm-intro") in new stack

    -- <Zap/8-1> Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')

    -- Executing [s at from-pstn:3] Hangup("Zap/8-1", "") in new stack

  == Spawn extension (from-pstn, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'Zap/8-1'

    -- Hungup 'Zap/8-1'



*-Edwin Quijada 
*-Developer DataBase 
*-JQ Microsistemas 
*-Soporte PostgreSQL


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