[asterisk-users] Call Parking - BLF - AEL2

Hans-Jürgen Tappe tappe at hek.uni-karlsruhe.de
Wed Sep 9 09:19:27 CDT 2009


Can anyone please hint me on how to express Example 4 on
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cmd+ParkAndAnnounce into an
AEL style configuration?

The Example is about how to implement a BLF on a paked call slot:


 parkext => 700                  ; What extension to dial to park
 parkpos => 701-703              ; What extensions to park calls on.
 context => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls are in

 include => parkinglot

 exten => 701,hint,park:701 at parkedcalls
 exten => 702,hint,park:702 at parkedcalls
 exten => 703,hint,park:703 at parkedcalls

 exten => 701,1,ParkedCall(701)
 exten => 702,1,ParkedCall(702)
 exten => 703,1,ParkedCall(703)

What we tried here is:


 parkext => 700                  ; What extension to dial to park
 parkpos => 701-703              ; What extensions to park calls on.
 context => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls are in

 context from-sip-phones {
  includes {
  hint(park:701 at parkedcalls) 701 => ParkedCall(701);
  hint(park:702 at parkedcalls) 702 => ParkedCall(702);
  hint(park:703 at parkedcalls) 703 => ParkedCall(703);

However, the AEL2 BNF
(http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+AEL2#AEL2BNF) does not
allow to give an extension "@..." in the "hint()" sequence, which on the
other side seems required for setting up the hint for the parkedcalls
context. Once, we omit the context (as required by the extensions
parser), the BLF does not work correctly.

Can you please hint me to the correct AEL2 syntax for setting a hint to
the parkedcalls context?

Thanks a lot,

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