[asterisk-users] Allowing multiple callers to join a public speaking session...?

lists at mgreg.com lists at mgreg.com
Wed Sep 2 16:11:31 CDT 2009

On Sep 2, 2009, at 3:35 PM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> Absolutely.  It doesn't sound like you need much firepower.  You may
> even be able to carve off a virtual server for it.  We don't do that  
> in
> order to minimize latency but I'm sure lots of folks swear by such a
> setup.  You will have the typical maintenance - updates, security
> patches, any client side changes.
> I would imagine your biggest challenge will be getting people into the
> system.  If they are all internal (I was originally assuming they were
> not), they can all use soft phones and head sets.  Since it is a
> monologue, you may even be able to dispense with the headsets.  If  
> folks
> are calling in from outside your network, it gets a little  
> trickier.  If
> they all have Internet connections, they can establish direct SIP
> connections to your PBX.  If they are coming in from the PSTN, you  
> will
> need phone lines.  You could talk to a VoIP carrier and see if they  
> can
> replace your PSTN access and then you would have the best of all  
> worlds.
> Hope this helps - John

I'm sure I will encounter it in the book, but I'm looking to  
understand what actually needs to occur.

Basically their scenario is a small auditorium that is already  
connected to the existing phone line so that ones may listen in over  
the 3-way to 3-way to 3-way (ad infinitum) chain.  They have a *very*  
simple setup.  There is no internet or internal network.

That said, is there any way technologically to branch/bridge a normal  
phone line using Asterisk (or anything else), or must I have some  
other number/service coming in?

Also, I believe there was a bit of confusion with an earlier post.   
Although they wish to *host* the entire setup in-house, they will have  
external callers.

I'm certainly not opposed to the various proposed solutions, but given  
the nature of the project you can understand that I don't want to  
spend resources on items they don't absolutely need.


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