[asterisk-users] MOH

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Wed Oct 28 15:33:35 CDT 2009

Peder wrote:
> I am having a strange problem with MOH.  Say I have two users, A and B.  I
> can set MOH in the extension for B and if A calls B and B hits hold, A will
> hear B's hold music.  If however A hits hold, it goes to the default music.
> If I pull the setmusiconhold from extensions.conf and use musicclass in
> sip.conf under the peer A, I get the same thing.  Peer A has musicclass set
> and A calls B and B hits hold, A hears their own music that was specified
> and B hears the default.  I can't find any way to call someone, put them on
> hold and have them hear my music, I can hear what they specify, but I can't
> specify what they hear (this is all assuming calls are within the same *
> box).  Any ideas how to set that?

This is what 'mohsuggest' is for; if you don't specify musicclass for
any of your endpoints, but instead specify mohsuggest, then when that
endpoint places another endpoint on hold, the endpoint that is placed on
hold will hear the MOH 'suggested' by the endpoint that put them on hold.

Kevin P. Fleming
Digium, Inc. | Director of Software Technologies
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
skype: kpfleming | jabber: kpfleming at digium.com
Check us out at www.digium.com & www.asterisk.org

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