[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.4 vs 1.6

David Backeberg dbackeberg at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 08:12:00 CDT 2009

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Dan Journo
<dan at keshercommunications.com> wrote:
> I was wondering whether there are any problems with v1.6 which means I
> should avoid it.

Try searching the list for the many times this has been answered.
Since this is your choice, you need to set up a parallel instance of
your environment and vet your particular usage. At the very least you
will need to update your dialplan to the new syntax, and upgrade to
DAHDI if you're using hardware phone cards.

> What are the advantages of upgrading?

Features, both to the individual applications and new applications not
previously available.
Scalability, especially for large dialplans, and a much better SIP stack.
More eyes on the code as it's the current track.
Try searching the list for the many times this has been answered.

> And finally, why both versions are available? Why not just scrap 1.4?

1.2 is still available too. Because the choice is yours. Many people
are still using 1.2, much less 1.4. Some people call old code 'stable'
code, as in the bugs are known or worked around.

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