[asterisk-users] FW: hi Dan

Landy Landy landysaccount at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 14 14:08:02 CST 2009

> > Pre-judging people doesn't work on mailing lists given
> the 
> > inherent language barriers, etc.

I believe language barriers can cause many problems when trying to communicate. I might say something in another language trying to translate a phrase or something, that might not have the same meaning I´m trying to get accross. I´m billingual myself, english is my second language but, I carefully try to choose the correct words when asking for help or even talking to anybody so I don´t offend that person. Let´s have compassion with this guy and let´s give him a break. Looks like his having a lot of problems trying to resolve his issues and frustrations have started to get on him. I put myself on his shoes and know how frustrating things can get from time to time. Also, we need to understand not all everyone has the same understanding capabilities. Some of us are ¨dumber¨ than others. What´s easy for you may not be easy for me and viceversa.


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