[asterisk-users] Digium TDM400P in Soekris net5501-70?

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Mon Jul 20 13:20:54 CDT 2009

At 10:09 AM 7/20/2009, you wrote:
>If the Soekris isn't expected to work well, are there any mainstream
>small form factor/low-power solutions for a SoHo asterisk server?

I just built a box for my Asterisk system using an Intel Motherboard 
with an Atom 330, 5400  RPM HD, TDM 400 with 4 red cards and the 
cheap PS hat came with the case. Draws 43 watts according to my 
Kill-A-Watt and except for the TDM 400 which I already had it cost 
under 250 as parts from NewEgg. The only annoyance might be it has 
only one ethernet port with the only easy place to put another being 
a USB port.


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