[asterisk-users] Crash Hard, Crash Often

Josiah Bryan jbryan at productiveconcepts.com
Thu Feb 5 11:28:09 CST 2009

Josiah Bryan wrote:
> David Gibbons wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Problem is that its crashing for seemingly no reason at all, no errors
>> on the console, no logs (that I can find), nothing in /var/lib/messages
>> - its puzzeling! Management is screaming like banshees, calls are
>> dropping like flies, and all hell is about to break loose if I can't
>> stop asterisk from crashing every couple of hours, taking down any
>> Zaptel calls with it.
>> </snip>
>> I am assuming you have debug turned on so that you can see what's going on when it crashes? If not, open the * console (asterisk -r) and type (core set verbose 100) and (core set debug 100). Then leave the console open so you can see if * was doing anything special when it crashed.
> I've ran with verbose quite high lately, but havn't left debug on. Well, 
> I just opened console and turned debug on to 100 so we'll wait and see 
> what it shows next time it crashes. It's due for another any time now...

Alright, latest console output right before latest crash shows:

   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
   == Manager 'script' logged on from
     -- Executing [954 at playground:1] AGI("Local/954 at playground-604a,2", 
"paging-hack.pl") in new stack
     -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/paging-hack.pl
        > Channel Local/954 at playground-604a,1 was answered.
   == Manager 'script' logged off from
     -- Executing [664 at playground:1] 
Answer("Local/954 at playground-604a,1", "") in new stack
     -- Executing [664 at playground:2] 
PlayTones("Local/954 at playground-604a,1", "750+440+1030+3000+5000+15000") 
in new stack
     -- Executing [664 at playground:3] Wait("Local/954 at playground-604a,1", 
"2") in new stack
   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
   == Manager 'script' logged on from
     -- Executing [952 at paging:1] Playback("Local/952 at paging-7883,2", 
"beep") in new stack
        > Channel Local/952 at paging-7883,1 was answered.
     -- Executing [951 at playground:1] MeetMe("Local/952 at paging-7883,1", 
"951|qaA") in new stack
   == Manager 'script' logged off from
     -- AGI Script paging-hack.pl completed, returning 0
     -- Executing [954 at playground:2] Goto("Local/954 at playground-604a,2", 
"conferences|951|1") in new stack
     -- Goto (conferences,951,1)
     -- Executing [951 at conferences:1] 
MeetMe("Local/954 at playground-604a,2", "951|qaA") in new stack
   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': Found
   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/meetme.conf': Found
     -- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '951'
     -- <Local/952 at paging-7883,2> Playing 'beep' (language 'en')
[Feb  5 11:29:03] WARNING[24824]: file.c:1204 waitstream_core: 
Unexpected control subclass '-1'
     -- Executing [952 at paging:2] Dial("Local/952 at paging-7883,2", 
"Console/dsp") in new stack
  << Call placed to 'dsp' on console >>
  << Auto-answered >>
     -- Called dsp
     -- ALSA/default answered Local/952 at paging-7883,2
Disconnected from Asterisk server
Executing last minute cleanups
Asterisk cleanly ending (0).
[root at asterisk ~]#

I know that all looks a bit weird, but its related to this problem I had 
last September:


My extensions.conf has the following notes:
; AGI script: paging-hack.pl is called when user dials 249
; The script puts the user in 951, then calls the Console into
; 951, and starts a fork monitoring the users leg of the call -
; as soon as the user hangs up, the fork automatically
; hangs up the Console.
; ? ????? WHY ????? ??
; Well, simple, as of version of asterisk,
; when a user dialed 249 and got the Console directly,
; after the user hung up, ringing tone was heard over
; the console until I manually typed 'hangup' in the
; asterisk console - even then, asterisk said 'no calls to hangup'
; The mailing list was no help, so I wrote paaging-hack.pl as a,
; well, a hack to get it to a point where paging still worked.
exten => 951,1,MeetMe(951|qaA)

So, 249 does AGI(paging-hack.pl), and from there, the user and the 
Console are dragged into a MeetMe conference for the user to speak 
his/her page. (The script doesn't do the hangup on the console actually 
- it just leaves the console active for the next page.)

So, anyway, thats the output right before the last crash - any ideas as 
to why based on that info?


Josiah Bryan
IT Manager
Productive Concepts, Inc.
jbryan at productiveconcepts.com
(765) 964-6009, ext. 224

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