[asterisk-users] mysql sip realtime

harry R rhm.noa101 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 09:32:28 CDT 2009

> > I try CLI command sip prune realtime <peer name> and my peer infos was
> > perfectly updated when I do sip show <peer name> but have you any idea
> > of how I can do that automatically ?
> How are you updating your sip table? Are you doing it manually or have
> you built an interface for it? If you have built an interface you can do
> the sip prune realtime by using the AMI
> (http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+manager+API), that's what
> we do here. If you're updating the table manually then what differerence
> does it really make to do the realtime pruning automatically?

I do not use any special interfaces yet to update my sip table. Only do it
directly by editing sip table through phpmyadmin (very basic). Any
interfaces/program suggests to update sip table and run realtime pruning
command automatically ?
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