[asterisk-users] Asterisk Documentation now on voip-info.org Wiki

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Sep 30 10:48:05 CDT 2008

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Josiah Bryan <
jbryan at productiveconcepts.com> wrote:

> Hey All -
> Per a discussion earlier, I've setup a small cron job on one of my
> servers that automatically updates voip-info.org wiki with the latest
> and greatest Asterisk Documentation, straight from svn (specifically,
> the /branches/$version/doc folder for each version.) The files are
> located under 'Asterisk Documentation' on voip-info.org:
> Link to the index page:
>     http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Documentation
> It currently polls the following Asterisk branches from subversion:
>     * 1.2
>     * 1.4
>     * 1.6.0
>     * 1.6.1
> ---------------------------------------
> Let me know what you think. If anyone has any questions or comments,
> please do let me know. Oh, and many thanks to James Thompson of
> voip-info.org for his quick response to my questions about an API for
> updating pages. His help was invaluable.
> ---------------------------------------
> Technical Specifics about the Cron Job:
> ---------------------------------------
> The cron job runs daily (about 4am EST) and does an 'svn update' for
> each version's 'doc' folder. If there are any changes, the job uploads
> ONLY the 'text/plain' files in the folder to the wiki (prefixing the
> pages with 'Asterisk Documentation '+$version+' '+$filename, so
> /branches/1.6.1/doc/callfiles.txt becomes 'Asterisk Documentation 1.6.1
> callfiles.txt':
> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+Documentation+1.6.1+callfiles.txt
> Note that right now, the files are just passed straight to the wiki and
> quoted in a '~pp~' block (essentially, a <pre> block) - formatting can
> be applied later if requested - and if presented with a reliable
> formatting algorithm.
> Let me know what you all think. Cheers!
> -josiah
> --
> Josiah Bryan
> IT Manager
> Productive Concepts, Inc.
> jbryan at productiveconcepts.com
> (765) 964-6009, ext. 224
Coolness.  I will check it out.  Seems like something that should have been
done ages ago.

Steve Totaro
1.240.938.1212 (cell)
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