[asterisk-users] AEL and swap from macros to contexts

Pavel Jezek pavel.jezek at i.cz
Mon Oct 6 09:21:27 CDT 2008

Hi, according to discussion on asterisk IRC, where people said, that 
macros will be depracated, I tried to migrate from macros to contexts 
and Gosub
but if I try to use gosub in extensions.ael, ael compiler complains, 
that I shouln't use Gosub app,
but I can't find ael keyword, that will be Gosub equivalent, or can I 
ignore this ael warnings? thanks

LOG: lev:3 file:pval.c  line:2521 func: check_pval_item  Warning: file 
/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 36-36: application call to Gosub 
affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, 
goto, etc. keywords instead!

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