[asterisk-users] Asterisk 3rd party developed commercial software sales licensing platform

Jeffrey Thompson jthompsonic at gmail.com
Mon May 5 09:03:12 CDT 2008

Creating an "Ecosystem" for Asterisk developers to make money is a good thing.

I suggest creating an Asterisk Business Consortium (ABC), to which Digium is invited to participate as a member :)

I think it's best for everyone's interests that it not be centrally controlled, but bring together individual developers and companies in a consortium, ABC, who have the objective of making money with Asterisk, and pooling their ideas, business models, common needs, talents, and resources to show how you can make money with Asterisk.

But the ABC brings together those who have an Asterisk passion to create viable business products and services that they can sell and compete in the marketplace.

It would be great to have a web site that would facilitate ABC.  

We already have a discussion forum (asterisk-biz).  What we need is a way to organize the discussion into potential products (needs), document those needs (Wiki) and provide a Marketplace (like Amazon.com) where ABC can sell and license their products.

I also suggest that this money making discussion be moved to the asterisk-biz discussion list.

Jeffrey Thompson <mailto:jthompsonic at gmail.com>
POBOX 536, Suwanee, GA, 30024

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