[asterisk-users] Any reason to *not* use AEL? (Also, MixMonitor q)

Gonzalo Servat gservat at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 09:07:20 CDT 2008

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:41 AM, Eric Wieling <eric at fnords.org> wrote:

> AEL in 1.4 was the first version of AEL that most people consider
> "stable".  Since not many people uses AEL, you won't get nearly as much
> (if any) community support compared to if you are using the non-AEL syntax.

Really? Why would anyone want to write a dialplan using the old
extensions.conf syntax? That sort of syntax personally drove me nuts (and
real messy). I've got my entire dialplan on AEL (using Asterisk 1.6.0).

- Gonzalo
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