[asterisk-users] US T1 Hangup Detection

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Tue Jul 15 10:49:35 CDT 2008

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 03:59:22PM -0500, Joe Greco wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:58:59PM -0700, Daniel Hazelbaker wrote:
> > > > Really?  You have an RJ-21X block that contains both analog AND T1
> > > > wires?  That's really uncommon.  I hope they at least put the red
> > > > special service caps on the T1 wires.
> > > 
> > > Yup.  I thought that pretty funny myself.  10 year old analog wires  
> > > running a digital T1. :)  And they do have some caps on them, I think  
> > > it was red but not 100% sure.
> > 
> > No, that's not the unusual part.  The unusual part is just that both
> > analog and digital services are on the same block.  Maybe it's a
> > regional think...
> That's really not unusual.  It's not /preferred/, but that's an entirely
> different can of worms.

I'll bet.  :-)

> In general, if copper is available into a building, the telco is going to
> look very seriously at the possibility of using that.  If the building is
> already wired and the copper tests clean, the telco will want to use that.
> In most existing situations, that will already be terminated in a can with
> lightning suppression and will have been crossed over to RJ21X's that are
> going to whatever suites are in the building.

So we don't pay a lot of attention to "Tx and Rx in separate jackets,
or shielded" anymore?  Or is so much T-1 delivery over 1-pair HDSL that
no one cares anymore?

> Since the telco will have /no/ /problem/ running the T1 over their outside
> plant and up to the can on what is approximately Category 3 wire, and the
> T1 signal is going to have been running alongside those same "analog wires"
> for probably a few miles, what happens next should be obvious.

Cat 3 is optimistic, IME.  Cat 2 is good enough for T-1, though; I
looked once.

> Suite 214 wants a T1.  There's already a 25-pair going up there from the
> RJ21X.  It's second story, so do you go and spend an {hour, afternoon, 
> etc} figuring out how to run fresh wire, or do you notice that only 6 pair 
> are in use on the RJ21X, and decide to feed up on the existing cable?
> Now, if you're nasty and you don't separate it (typically I see the bottom
> used for data) and you don't put redcaps on, yeah, then that is just 
> looking for eventual trouble.  And who knows, the wire may be cruddy, so
> maybe you still end up doing the separate run.  But it probably works.
> I've seen this often enough.  Would I prefer to see new cable run?  Sure.
> But we've all done our copper sins.  I've seen a lot of things that are
> uglier than that.  Here's one of them:
> http://www.sol.net/hallofshame/

Slithering jesus.  :-)

> (I've always meant to expand that page, but it seems that I never get the
> good photos of bad stuff)

I was going to ask...

> Lack of space, lack of need, lack of having another RJ21X in the truck are
> just a few other obvious reasons that this might be done.


Your netmon link is 404, BTW.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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	     Those who count the vote decide everything.
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