[asterisk-users] Touch monitor file name format

Jaap Winius jwinius at umrk.to
Fri Feb 15 20:48:00 CST 2008

Quoting "Mojo with Horan & Company, LLC" <mojo at horanappraisals.com>:

> Will "Set(MONITOR_FILENAME=/blahblah/filename)" work for you?

No, that doesn't work. ${MONITOR_FILENAME} can influence the filenames  
in the string that you can tack onto the somix sequence using  
${MONITOR_EXEC_ARGS}, but not the file name that automon produces. I  
suppose you could also regard the automon output file name format as:


The default is:


Once again, it's easy to change and/or predict what the  
${TOUCH_MONITOR} part is going to be, but AFAIK not the  
'auto-${EPOCH}-' part. Therefore, if I'm right, there's no way to  
manipulate the automon output using ${MONITOR_EXEC_ARGS}.

Thanks anyway,


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