[asterisk-users] How to detect if SIP extension BUSY?

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Wed Feb 13 06:56:42 CST 2008

On 13:14, Wed 13 Feb 08, Gergo Csibra wrote:
> Saturday, February 9, 2008, 10:29:08 AM, Csibra wrote:
> > My problem is in subject. As I read in documentations and
> > voip-info.org I can't user ChanIsAvalil because it not detects BUSY
> > information on SIP channel. I've tried to use SIPPEER function, but it
> > gives "OK (9 ms)" back on BUSY SIP channel. I use Asterisk 1.2.15, SIP
> > extensions are Linksys PAP2. Have any other idea?
> Well?
> Is it impossible to detect BUSY on SIP channels?

not in stock 1.2
Bristuff has a function for it, and russell created a
function for it in current trunk that is also available as
patch to 1.4

So you have 2 possibilities:
- install bristuff 1.2 or 1.4
- install 1.4 with russell's patch applied

bristuff examples:

asterisk + function from russell:


Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

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