[asterisk-users] ENUM lookup

Russell Bryant russell at digium.com
Thu Aug 14 08:41:52 CDT 2008

On Aug 14, 2008, at 8:31 AM, Tilghman Lesher wrote:

> On Thursday 14 August 2008 07:33:11 Brian J. Murrell wrote:
>> On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 14:15 +0200, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>> Use the ENUMLOOKUP function, e.g.:
>> And take note that it's very naive.  See my previous posting for an  
>> enum
>> AGI that is more intelligent.  The only thing it does not do that I
>> would like to add is give up on the DNS lookup much earlier than it  
>> does
>> if a DNS server is unresponsive.
> If you'd like to give a suggestion on how to make the ENUMLOOKUP  
> function
> more useful, I'm all ears.  Sometimes the issue is that the people  
> who are
> most qualified to make the dialplan functions more useful aren't in  
> a position
> to do anything about it (either because they aren't C programmers or  
> because
> they aren't ENUM users).

I think the biggest issue with ENUMLOOKUP() is the inability to  
traverse multiple results after doing the lookup.  To get access to a  
different result, you have to call the function again, which does  
another DNS lookup.

However, this has already been improved in Asterisk 1.6.  See the  
ENUMQUERY() and ENUMRESULT() functions.  ENUMQUERY lets you do a  
query.  ENUMRESULT lets you access the results of your query and  
perform whatever logic on them that you would like.

(By the way, similar functions were also created for DUNDI -  

There is an unofficial backport of this functionality to Asterisk 1.4  
available here:

svn co http://svncommunity.digium.com/svn/russell/asterisk-1.4/

Russell Bryant
Senior Software Engineer
Open Source Team Lead
Digium, Inc.

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