[asterisk-users] Queue agents w/ DUNDi

Robert Lister robl at linx.net
Tue Sep 18 16:16:26 CDT 2007

On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 11:27:36AM -0500, Kyle Sexton wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to configure queue agents w/ a DUNDi setup so that an agent
> can login to whatever server they please w/o any custom setup.  In
> general this seems to work, agents login w/ AgentCallbackLogin into the
> incoming context (not a special queue context) and can receive queue
> calls.

Don't use AgentCallbackLogin() it's odd in some interesting ways (The whole 
agent stuff isn't very flexible in many ways if your users have multiple 
ways to get called outside of the Agent.)

For example if you have users in queues represented as Agents with also 
direct numbers respresented as SIP/xxx elsewhere, you will have problems 
with call waiting and busy detection not working properly, i.e, when the 
user is making an outgoing call on their SIP extn, the agent stuff does not 
detect them as being busy, so you cannot use call waiting.

An 'agent' can only accept one call at a time but SIP/xxx may have several 

About your situation, you might be able to solve it by using 
"Local/xxx at context" to route the call to where you need it to go when a call 
comes in for an agent that you want to locate in the dialplan somewhere 
else. The thing you route to using "Dial(Local/xxx" must be something in the 
dialplan routable by the current context.)

AgentCallbackLogin as I understand it, deprecated as of 1.4.x, and 1.2.x is 
no longer being actively developed, so I'm trying to get off it, however 
some stuff I do is not possible now without that feature that they don't 
seem all that concerned about fixing right now.



Robert Lister     - London Internet Exchange - http://www.linx.net/
sip:robl at linx.net - inoc-dba:5459*710        - tel: +44 (0)20 7645 3510

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