[asterisk-users] DECT SIP phones

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Fri Sep 14 02:25:27 CDT 2007

On 08:00, Fri 14 Sep 07, H?kan K?llberg wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 06:05:51PM -0600, Stephen Bosch wrote:
> > I'm looking for a SIP DECT (cordless) phone for North American
> > installations. I've heard only of the Siemens Gigaset S450/C450 phones.
> > Apparently these aren't sold for use in NAm, even though they're
> > supposed to be legal (in the United States, anyway).
> Hello!
> I would reccomend the Kirk DECT gateway. It is SIP capable
> and avilable for N America.
> We have a setup with the Skinny ( chan_sccp ) protocol and in Sweden,
> but I wouldn't expect any problems in NA.
> Our customer have used it for a while now.

We use a setup like that with chan_sccp on 1.2 on one
customer location.
I dont know if you have NEC-Philips there in NA but they
have great dect/sip setups as well. we use them in a couple
of installations in medical facilities (man down, assistant
call, that kindda stuff)


Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

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