[asterisk-users] What web GUI are people happy with?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 13:16:07 CDT 2007

Anciso, Roy wrote:
> Just wondering what web GUI people like for asterisk.  I installed 
> asterisk from source and I was looking at possibly installing web GUI 
> for system management.  So far freepbx.org looks promising anybody else 
> have any suggestions.
> Thanks
Why don't you just install the Asterisk GUI? Get it from SVN:

svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk-gui/trunk asterisk-gui

Instructions to build are in the latest TFOT book.

But FWIW, I had a quick look but decided against it. And other GUIs too. 
My installation is quite small, admittedly, but I really want to 
understand how and why my system is configured the way it is. The only 
way to truly "get that" is to do it by hand...

You only need Vi :-)


The way out is open!

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