[asterisk-users] Re: Multi-registration ?

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at amorsen.dk
Thu Mar 29 03:36:21 MST 2007

>>>>> "PB" == Peter Bowyer <peter at bowyer.org> writes:

PB> No it can't - the latest registration 'wins'. To achieve
PB> simutaneous ringing of more than one phone (hard or soft), you
PB> need a SIP account for each and an entry in the dialplan which
PB> rings both.

Indeed, this is the limitation of Asterisk which we hit most often. In
theory, it isn't a big problem, because you just put
Dial(SIP/foo&SIP/bar) in the dial plan. Next: someone with that
solution needs to be able to join or leave queues. Ok, a bit of
playing around solves that. Then you discover that it's annoying to
have one phone ring while you are talking on the other, so you make
call groups to handle that problem. Whoops, you need to recognize
outgoing calls too, to get them in the call group as well -- but
transferred calls should not be counted. Hackety-hack, fixed that one
as well.

After a while you end up with 10 lines of dial plan per phone. Not
nice. It would be much nicer to deal with if the dial command could be
told to return BUSY when just one of the devices it calls is busy.
Even better would be multi-registration, of course.


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