[asterisk-users] Odd MeetMe bahaviour with MoH ...

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Wed Mar 28 01:24:15 MST 2007


I've just observed something a bit odd - I'm wondering if this is the 
expected behaviour, a bug/feature, or something I'm doing stupid!

1st person gets into MeetMe. Nothing fancy, just:

exten => 987,1,MeetMe(400,iM)

They enter the passcode and their name, then listen to MoH. So-far so 

Now the 2nd person dials in. They enter the pin-code, and at that point, 
the MoH stops. Log shows this:

     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
     -- Executing MeetMe("Zap/1-1", "400|iM") in new stack
     -- Playing 'conf-getpin' (language 'en')
     -- Recording
     -- Playing 'vm-rec-name' (language 'en')
     -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/101-0816b2a8
     -- Playing 'beep' (language 'en')

So it looks like it's possibly a deliberate action - but the effect on the 
1st person is that all goes quiet - and so they think it's broken, so they 
hang-up ... (or have a tendency to!)

So is this to be expected, just an oversight in the code, or am I doing 
something obviously silly...

(Asterisk 1.2.16 FWIW)



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