[asterisk-users] asterisk on mini-itx

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Sun Mar 11 12:04:32 MST 2007

At 01:36 AM 3/11/2007, you wrote:
>My servers don't run anything more than they need to and don't have 
>packages loaded that they don't need. I could rant on all day about 
>the bloat I see in modern RH/Fedora/SuSe, even my favourite Debian 
>systems, but this isn't the place ...

I'd love to have my box running that little, but how do I figure out 
what's not needed and how to get rid of it?  One of my frustrations 
with the Linux world is the apparent assumption of people that their 
target audience already knows what they're talking about.


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