[asterisk-users] svn 1.4 - mp3 support and changing the installation directory

tzieleniewski tzieleniewski at o2.pl
Fri Mar 2 14:20:11 MST 2007

Hi ALL!!
This is my first time with asterisk and my first post:)
Please be so kind and give me few clues for the good beginning:)

I am using version 1.4 from svn on the Debian etch OS kernel 2.6.

I have four question:

1. In many docs on the web there is an info to make asterisk by invoking #make mpg123 in order to have the mp3 support, when I try to do it this way make informs that there are no such make rules.

2. Also in docs on the web there an info about Debian zaptel installation that the easyiest way is to install zaptel-modules as the package. but at the moment the there is only 1.2 verion available. So I need to install it from sources. What do I need to do to load the zaptel modules.
Will it be enough just to make the following?:
# cd /.../zaptel_source
# make
# make install
# modprobe zaptel

3. I would like to have my all asterisk stuff (asterisk,addons,core-sounds) installed in the asterisk system user home directory.
Is it sufficient to set the INSTALL_PREFIX= in the make file to the desired value??

4. is it possible to get a packet of core-sounds directly from the svn?

Thanks in advance

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