[asterisk-users] 1.4 Zaptel/Sangoma Issues on CentOS

Jared Smith jaredsmith at jaredsmith.net
Thu Jun 7 10:18:22 CDT 2007

On 6/6/07, Steve Totaro <stotaro at asteriskhelpdesk.com> wrote:
> When I fire up asterisk, I keep getting "Primary D-Channel on span 1 up"
> repeated over and over.  The B channels never come up.  There are no
> errors in any of the logs, zttool, or the wanpipe tools.

This is the number one problem I've had with Sangoma's wanpipe
drivers.  In the past, I've had to roll back to an earlier version of
Zaptel to make it work correctly.  I'm not sure if that'll help you in
this case, but it's worked in the past for me.


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