[asterisk-users] call Hold event asterisk

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Thu Jun 7 10:04:52 CDT 2007

sathish s wrote:
> i need to catch the call hold event from my asterisk-java program.  Im 
> using net.sf.asterisk.*;  for communicating with asterisk server. I need 
> to get the call hold status on my java program .  I can able to get the 
> music on hold status but i cannot able to get the call hold status.
> The events like
> 1. HoldEvent ,
> 2.HoldedcallEvent
> 3. UnHold event
> are not getting fired when the call hold is happening . When the call is 
> put in hold , i need to update the satus as "CAll is in Hold". For this 
> i need to catch the call hold event .  How can i make this ...reply me ....
> Thanks in advance
> sathish.

Does Asterisk AMI support even support these events?  I'm using 1.2 and 
have not seen them.  Does 1.4 fire these events?


Warm Regards,


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