[asterisk-users] iax2 trunk registration with auth rsa

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Mon Jul 30 09:21:14 CDT 2007

hi all,
I am trunking via iax2 2 asterisk serverses

if both of them have static ip addresses, I can connect them using no
password, password or auth rsa with a pair of keys.

If one of them has dynamic ip address and need to register on the other
server, I can connect them with no password, but I am not able to do that
using keys.

The question is: which is the right register syntax to use when using keys
pair ?

I tried:

register => serverb:servera at servera.full.domainname

servera is the name of the public key of servera, seen on serverb (remember
that if I use static ip I can dial from serverb to servera: in my
extensions.conf I have:
exten => _5XX,1,Dial(IAX2/serverb at servera/${EXTEN:0},30,t)

here I don't need to specify the key, becouse I dial "servera" which is an
entry (room) in my iax.conf where is specified inkey and outkey
but in register command it seems no possible to specify other then ip
address or full name

thanks in advance,

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