[asterisk-users] how to use call transfer

Bruno De Luca bdeluca at fgasoftware.com
Thu Jul 19 10:56:22 CDT 2007

w/ snom  u can use the snom transfer and do nothing in asterisk. Or u 
can use the asterisk transfer (or bind transfer) changing the 
features.conf (see example)



; Call parking configuration
parkext = 700 ; What ext. to dial to park
parkpos = 701-720 ; What extensions to park calls on
context = parkedcalls ; Which context parked calls are in, need to 
INCLUDE this in extensions.conf
parkingtime = 45 ; Number of seconds a call can be parked for (default 
is 45)

pickupexten = *8

; Max time (ms) between digits for feature activation. Default is 500
featuredigittimeout = 1500


; Blind transfer, default is pound sign (#)
blindxfer = #

; Attended transfer
atxfer = *7


Bruno De Luca

Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, satish patel wrote:
>> you are right but can u explain me i have SNOM SI 120 phone with 
>> transfer button on it but what entry i will do on asterisk feature.conf 
>> and what configuration and button will use for transfer call
> I'd need to read the manual (and I'm sure you're in a better position to 
> do this than I am, as you have the phones and I don't!) You'd normally not 
> need to do anything to the features.conf file to make phone transfers work 
> using the phone features.
> Gordon
>> Gordon Henderson <gordon+asterisk at drogon.net> wrote:  On Wed, 18 Jul 2007, satish patel wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> I have beginer in Voip and i have configured Asterisk
>>> server with 100 IP SIP phone ( SNOM ) everything is fine but problem is
>>> how to transfer call from one user to other means i call to some one and
>>> then someone want to transfer call to another person how it is possible
>>> i have also try with feartue.conf but it is now working i have also read
>>> document on voip-info website but now clear yet can anyone explain me
>>> how to asterisk transfer call from one user to other and what
>>> extention.conf look like is there any change in sip.conf or
>>> extention.conf
>> You need to read your phone manual, not the asterisk manual. Every (SIP)
>> phone has it's own ways and means (in addition to the generic features
>> offered by asterisk detailled in features.conf)
>> Gordon
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Bruno De Luca, mailto:bdeluca at fgasoftware.com
FG&A srl - http://www.fgasoftware.com -
Voice at Work - The Agile PBX http://www.voiceatwork.eu
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