[asterisk-users] Media Proxy Mode in Asterik: SIP and

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 13 14:57:13 CDT 2007

Dear Alex;

Thanks for your kindly reply.

Please explain for me what do u mean exactly in "a la"
in the following sentence u wrote it below?

" in SIP, this can be done via
 "re-INVITEs" a la the canreinvite= option for SIP
peers in sip.conf"

Another thing, do u mean that it is easier (better) if
we need H.323 endpoint to talk with SIP endpoint then
we use full proxy (signaling + media) so that will
solve miss compatibility issues?

By the way: Asterisk allow H.323 to talk with SIP?

IP Telephony and Contact Center Engineer
Eng. Bilal Ghayad
Mobile: 00965 9849460


Asterisk is an IP PBX and thus a back-to-back user
agent;  by default,
will proxy media.  The only way to disengage it from
the media stream
to use signaling protocol-specific mechanisms to coax
the endpoints
talking to each other directly;  in SIP, this can be
done via
a la the canreinvite= option for SIP peers in
sip.conf.  The H.323
in Asterisk may or may not have a similar option, and
it may or may not
compatible with SIP on a signaling level.  That's if
you're connecting
endpoint that's H.323 and one that's SIP.  I imagine
there's probably a
way to do media stream handoff between two legs that
are natively H.323
both ends.  But that's the determinant.

Also, remember that even if you hand off the media,
Asterisk still
in the signaling path.  This is all the more true if
you're using it as
a signaling gateway between heterogenous protocols.

-- Alex

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web    : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel    : +1-678-954-0670
Direct : +1-678-954-0671

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