[asterisk-users] Open CallerID Database?

Richard Lyman pchammer at dynx.net
Tue Feb 20 12:57:03 MST 2007

Joe Greco wrote:
>> TP'n to follow flow
>> just like DNS, the 'root servers' would still see the high request hits, 
>> prior to passing off to local caching app.
>> and *someone* must have this expense/headache to maintain them.
> No, the root servers wouldn't.  Please take a few moments to learn how
> the domain name system works prior to spreading fear, uncertainty, and
> doubt.
> Any decent DNS server is extremely good at caching lookup responses, and
> as such, once it looks up the NS records for a domain, the roots and
> parents will not see a significant increase in requests.
> ... JG
gee joe, what part of 'prior to passing off to local caching app', and 
millions of requests didn't you get?
(also note, i understood they were wanting to build a new system, not 
use dns, as it was *only* the example)

everytime you make a dns request, i agreed that it does not hit the root 
servers, but every time you request a NON-cached one you DO.

so maybe your call center calls the same people every other day.  

ours do not, and i'm just guessing here, but i have to think that others 
here don't call the same people over and over and over millions of times 
within minutes/hours/days. 

yeah, you are right, i have no clue what i am talking about.

don't you just hate when someone puts and apple in with the oranges, 
especially a rotten one. <G>

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