[asterisk-users] Upgrade to Asterisk 1.4 - it's one year's old!

Mr. James W. Laferriere babydr at baby-dragons.com
Sat Dec 15 14:52:56 CST 2007

 	Hello All ,

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007, Johansson Olle E wrote:
> Friends in the Asterisk community,
> I'm kind of interested in the slow uptake of Asterisk 1.4. Between 1.2
> and 1.4 there's been a lot of
> important development. New code cleanups, optimization, new functions.
> I realize that 1.4 at release time wasn't ready for release, but we've
> spent one year polishing it,
> working hard with bug fixes. The 1.4 that is in distribution now is
> very different from the young
> and immature product that was release before Christmas in 2006.
> Testing, testing, testing
> and hard work from developers has changed this and the 1.4 personality
> is now much
> more grown-up and mature :-)
> I wonder if there are any major obstacles for upgrading.
> - Bugs that are still open?
> - Bugs that are not reported?
> - Not enough reasons to upgrade, since 1.2 really works well
> - Just a bad karma for 1.4
> When responding, remember that we don't add new features to 1.4 after
> release, so I'm
> not looking for a wishlist - that's for the coming release. We need to
> make a released
> product stable, not add new features and potential scary bugs.
> Success stories with 1.4 are also welcome. "Upgrading to 1.4 doubled
> our revenues
> in a month and gave us 200% more quality in the voice channels" or
> "Asterisk 1.4
> gave us more reliable pizza deliveries and also fixed the bad taste of
> the coffee in our
> vending machine". Anything.
> Also, I would like input on what you consider the most important new
> feature in 1.4.
> I will try to make a list based on the feedback. Feel free to send
> feedback to the
> list or in a private e-mail to me directly.
> Let's make 1.4 the choice for everyone's PBX - from small home systems
> to large
> scale carrier platforms!
> /Olle
> ---
> * Olle E. Johansson - oej at edvina.net
> * Asterisk Training http://edvina.net/training/

 	The one item mentioned in some of the responses to the thread that this 
message started is the modification of commands (dialplan & others) ,  variables 
and such .

 	Tilghman mentioned these changes are collected in UPGRADE.txt .

 	But (I have to admit IMO) ,  The procedure necessary to follow to get a 
system running 1.4 is not a upgrade path .  It is a migration .
 	ie: duplicate the system(s) running 1.2 successfully today onto 
seperate hardware & make the changes necessary to create a (near as possible) 
functioning system as the present systems & then swap them .

 	If this path was more of a true upgrade path then 1.4 would probably be 
used far more than 1.2 .

 		Hth ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network&System Engineer | 2133    McCullam Ave |  Give me Linux  |
| babydr at baby-dragons.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99701 |   only  on  AXP |

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