[asterisk-users] Redundancy / Failover

marek cervenka cervajs at fpf.slu.cz
Tue Aug 21 08:57:36 CDT 2007

>> Any one succeeded to make _Redundancy* / Failover  with  asterisk
>> 1.4.9 on centos with kernel 2.6.9-55.EL.   ***_
>> Can you please send me the documentation link on how to or write down
>> how to .


yum -y install heartbeat (on node1 and node2)
<configure heartbeat>

if you have configuration in mysql then set up master-to-master 
replication (-> www.mysql.com)
generate ssh keys

priodically copy /etc/asterisk and /var/lib/asterisk/astdb from master 
node to slave node
(astdb is needed because of sip registrations)

question1: do you someone know how to _easily_ find out which node is 
master? (heartbeat) - now i have custom script for this

question2: it's possible read registration data from astdb from python/php 
(or it is possible write sip registrations to mysql/sqlite?  i do not 
want realtime because of NAT issues)

Marek Cervenka
Centrum Vypocetni Techniky
CVT 		- http://cvt.fpf.slu.cz
FPF SLU OPAVA 	- http://www.fpf.slu.cz
LCNA 		- http://lcna.slu.cz

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