[asterisk-users] Asterisk Hangups on PRI Interface

Vicente Aguilar vjaguilar at renr.es
Thu Sep 28 01:31:36 MST 2006


> I have a similar problem with PRI where some numbers cannot be called. 
> I'm still analyzing the problem. Does it happen randomly or you have 
> some numbers you can as it is for me?

We have the same problem you're reporting, Giorgio. 

Some numbers, mostly PBXs of other companies and sometimes some mobile
phones, can't be reached through Asterisk, while they do answer when
called from a mobile or an external line (I mean, not managed by
Asterisk). The logs show a channel hangup, just like in Sahil's report.

Some data:

- Debian Sarge, default 2.6.8-3-686-smp kernel

- Digium's TE210P, one interface connected to a Telefonica de España's
T1 line and the other one to our legacy PBX

- Asterisk, Zaptel, all compiled from scratch (have
always had the issue, with several previous versions)

- FreePBX 2.1.3 + some manual tweaks

Any idea as to tests to do in order to pin-point and solve the problem
will be appreciated.


 Vicente Aguilar <vjaguilar at renr.es>
 Departamento de Sistemas
 Tlf.: 965 98 71 92

 Recursos en la Red, S.L.U.

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