[asterisk-users] TDM2400P

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Thu Sep 21 20:21:38 MST 2006

On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 02:28:40PM -0300, Robson Ribeiro wrote:
> Dear Jay, maybe I would better describe the sound as "breaking" and
> not skipping. It is a constant thing so the person on the other side
> can't understand a word. It's like when you are in a bad cellphone
> connection. It ONLY happens and this is the weird part, when I call
> OUT of the TDM. When someone call IN nothing happens. The call is
> originating as a ZAP call on a FXSs channel and going directly to
> the PSTN. Now, I tried working with TX/RX But it didn???t make any
> difference as the issue doesn???t seem to matter if gain is higher or
> lower. If I was calling from a VOIP provider I could understand this
> as being a "bandwidth" issue. But from the PSTN to another PSTN it is
> very strange indeed. I tried calling you but noone answered. Will try
> later.

I apologize; I failed to realize you were non-CONUS; the CNID was
odd-looking, and I ignored the call.  Feel free to try again.

Can you try originating a call out your FXO port from a SIP phone?

Is the audio ok when you call FXS to FXS?

You need, in general, to use the process of elimination to figure out
where your problem *can* be -- even if that entails borrowing hardware.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra at baylink.com
Designer                          Baylink                             RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates        The Things I Think                        '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 647 1274

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	  they stop having sex with you."  -- Jennifer Crusie; _Fast_Women_

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