[asterisk-users] FW: Peter Dicks Chairman ofSportingbet PLC is arrested at JFK!!

Jay Milk ast-users at skimmilk.net
Fri Sep 8 14:14:30 MST 2006

Do you go any further than a casual glance and a lot of opinion in your 

Me -- my site currently points to an affiliate program (and a lousy one 
at that).  I receive a small percentage from each customer who signs up, 
so as such, I wouldn't be responsible anyway.  That said, it's not 
possible for folks outside the US to sign up, unless they falsify their 
address -- thus, due diligence has been established.
The guys at sportingbet on the other hand not only market specifically 
to the US with the domain "http://www.sportingbetusa.com", but there 
sign-up form even defaults to using a US address.  US customers can sign 
up without a hitch, and without having to falsify information.  With 
that, the responsibility lies with the service provider, especially once 
he has been given warning to discontinue doing business in the US.

My head isn't in the sand.  But I'm also staying off of soapboxes lest I 
have something substantial to say.  If you disagree with the policies of 
your HOST country, seeing that you are a GUEST here (as am I), then I 
suggest you find a more believable platform for your drivel.  It makes 
you look a fool.

Dean Collins wrote:
> Yes I am aware he is the second executive to be arrested......the first
> is still yet to be charged and is still awaiting trial and has fallen
> off the face of the general media  which is why I'm 'motivated' to draw
> attention and outrage to this second case.
> Yes you are right it does belong off this list but with so many people
> on this list doing international business on the internet (including
> yourself by the looks of your own voip carrier website).
> So when someone from China places an order on your website for a voip
> service, you agree that it would be ok for the Chinese government to let
> the Chinese customer go free but for them to arrest you and any other
> directors muWare?
> (also lets not forget that the WTO has already ruled that USA government
> is in breach with their court case back in March).
> I'm very curious about your thoughts or will you prefer to stick your
> head in the sand and pretend that the USA lives in a bubble on the
> planet earth and would prefer that Walmart not do business
> internationally or that the Ford motor car you drive not use Australian
> steel etc etc.
> Cheers,
> Dean
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com [mailto:asterisk-users-
>> bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Jay Milk
>> Sent: Friday, 8 September 2006 1:22 PM
>> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
>> Subject: Re: {Fraud?} RE: [asterisk-users] FW: Peter Dicks Chairman
> ofSportingbet
>> PLC isarrested at JFK!!
>> Why don't you keep political diatribe to your blog? This is OT, and
>> quite frankly it displays that you have less than perfect grasp on
> reality.
>> Mark Spencer makes a software product that is perfectly legal to use
>> anywhere in the world, even in India (as long as it stays within a
>> building and used as a PBX only). It's the user's responsibility to
>> understand and follow local law in utilizing this software. By the
> same
>> token, a vehicle is legal to use for most, but it becomes a weapon
> when
>> you intentionally or neglectfully run someone over.
>> Peter Dicks was operating a business that was offering certain
> services
>> that are illegal in the place where he offered them. If he was
> arrested
>> the moment he entered the US, then this was investigated before, and
> he
>> was asked to cease offering these illegal services in the US, but has
>> refused to do so -- if you followed the news as enthusiastically as
> you
>> post OT messages, then you would have realized that Dicks was the
>> *second* executive that was arrested. This should have come as no
>> surprise to Dicks or his lawyers.
>> So, now we're seeing the guy not as a clueless tourist, but a
>> law-defying visitor. He's done something that is illegal, has refused
> to
>> stop, and was dumb enough to step into the jurisdiction of his crime.
> Is
>> there a problem with that? Because if there is, you need to start
>> defending Columbian drug-lords and terrorists, too.
>> This is fulfills my quote of OT posts for the day. Just had to say
>> something in the face of such obvious stupidity.
>> Dean Collins wrote:
>>> Exactly so why aren't they trying to arrest the 50 million people in
>>> the USA who have gambled online?
>>> Mark (as far as I know) isn't actively checking with asterisk users
>>> for what country they are in so therefore in the reciprocal eyes of
>>> the indian government he is similarly breaking the law.
>>> Basically what the USA government is charging Peter Dicks with is
> not
>>> being a global policeman to enforce a USA law (which the WTO has
>>> already ruled is illegal back in March
>>> http://www.internetnews.com/ec-news/article.php/3434111 ).
>>> The USA government can't enforce it's principals on the rest of the
>>> world otherwise they are no better than the terrorists who are
> trying
>>> to impose Sharia Law on the world.
>>> I'm trying terribly not to take this discussion any further Off
> Topic
>>> but realistically we live in a global society and the USA is
>>> overstepping it's limits on international trade here. I appreciate
>>> this isn't the best forum for it but this has much wider
> ramifications
>>> for those of us who do business internationally in and with the USA.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dean
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
>>> [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] *On Behalf Of *Alex
> Robar
>>> *Sent:* Friday, 8 September 2006 12:45 PM
>>> *To:* Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [asterisk-users] FW: Peter Dicks Chairman of
>>> Sportingbet PLC isarrested at JFK!!
>>> The guy was arrested because he was conciously allowing US citizens
> to
>>> gamble online, something illegal in the US at this point. He ran a
>>> business who's sole profit source came from this illegal activity.
>>> Spencer is an entirely different situation. He's not running a
>>> business in which he provides VoIP to places where it is illegal.
> He's
>>> running a business the develops software that enables VoIP...
> There's
>>> a big difference there. If someone takes the software and uses it in
> a
>>> place where VoIP is illegal, that does not make Spencer responsible.
>>> Think of it along the lines of BitTorrent software. The software
> isn't
>>> illegal - it has valid uses - but it _could_ be used for something
>>> illegal. All that means is that the user of the software has
> commited
>>> a crime; Not the developer.
>>> Alex
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     *From:* Dean Collins
>>>     *Sent:* Friday, 8 September 2006 10:22 AM
>>>     *To:* 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'
>>>     *Subject:* FW: Peter Dicks Chairman of Sportingbet PLC is
> arrested
>>>     at JFK!!
>>>     I'm sending this to the asterisk list - consciously knowing it
>>>     will piss some people off but this is the *most important
> business
>>>     issue of the day* for anyone doing business in or with a US
> company.
>>>     Oh and before anyone on this list thinks of calling this OT -
> how
>>>     about Mark Spencer being arrested while travelling in a country
>>>     like India or the Middle East that has banned VOIP services
> (which
>>>     is still illegal because they cant tax it of course).
>>>     I don't know what you are going to be able to do with this
>>>     information but this has to be discussed as it affect the future
>>>     of international commerce when dealing with the USA.
>>>     Best intentions,
>>>     Dean
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     *From:* Dean Collins
>>>     *Sent:* Friday, 8 September 2006 10:15 AM
>>>     *Subject:* Peter Dicks Chairman of Sportingbet PLC is arrested
> at
>>>     JFK!!
>>>     This is bullshit.
>>>     I don't know how to effectively express my outrage over this
>>>     action by the US government.
>>>     Check out these links for background info;
>>>     www.nytimes.com
> <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/08/technology/08gamble.html?_r=1&oref=sl
> ogin
>>>     money.cnn.com
> <http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/08/news/international/bc.leisure.sportingb
> et.reut/?p
>> ostversion=2006090808>
>>>     today.reuters.co.uk
> <http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/articlenews.aspx?type=internetNews&stor
> yID=200
>> 6-09-07T160138Z_01_N07242747_RTRIDST_0_OUKIN-UK-LEISURE-
>>>     www.businessweek.com
> <http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D8K02SM85.htm?sub=apn_euro
>> _up&chan=gb>
>>>     So basically we have a UK citizen, operating a UK business
>>>     (sportingbetplc.com board)
> <http://www.sportingbetplc.com/pages/15/Our+Board.stm?PHPSESSID=15ba3131
>> b6035fc855dabdde5c19b246>
>>>     who the moment he steps foot into the USA is arrested, not for
>>>     crimes he committed but for crimes committted by US citizens.
>>>     Oh and arrested under ambiguous Louisiana law, that defines all
>>>     interstate gaming as illegal.
>>>     I cant wait for the chairman of the NY Times to be arrested on a
>>>     visit to China because chinese citizens were reading copies of
> the
>>>     NY Times on the internet.
>>>     Oh and as for visiting 'unfriendly' countries, how about if
> Castro
>>>     started shooting american tourists he found in Cuba for 'crimes
> of
>>>     treason' in carrying US dollars in their wallets?
>>>     This is insane America. When are you going to wake up and begin
> to
>>>     be a good 'world citizen'?
>>>     You cant just arrest people for 'crimes against the state' that
>>>     dont even occur in your country........isn't that what
> terrorists
>>>     do? Impose their will against the world at large.
>>>     I keep hoping I will wake up and the insanity will end? it's
> like
>>>     a bad dream.
>>>     It's getting hard to tell who is the bad guys anymore.
> http://deancollinsblog.blogspot.com/2006/09/peter-dicks-chairman-of-
>> sportingbet.html

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