No subject

Tue Sep 5 14:32:44 MST 2006

> For the dedicated long-distance T1, all inbound and outbound
> calls cost 1.9 cents per minute, even if you are calling a
> toll-free number or the company next door. Instead of having
> local DIDs, we simply got a huge supply of toll-free numbers,
> all with unique DNIS so we use them as DIDs for not only direct
> voice numbers but also direct fax numbers.

For businesses with national or global footprint, this makes 
sense.  You're not bothered by dialing all the digits to go out 
(since local calls are rare) and your customers are not bothered 
to dial in on toll free numbers (since they aren't local either).  
This simply means *all* calls are $1.14/hour which isn't much.

> Do the math for your company.

To get the T1 and LD rate, how many minutes/month does your 
business do?  Clearly, you are getting some sort of volume 
discount that smaller business might not be able to match.

I wonder:

1. Does this violate some FCC rule since you're not paying 
certain fees (which are tied to local lines) on your LD T1?

2. How does this handle 911?  Perhaps a POTS line and route "911" 
to it when someone dials it?

This appeals to me given the cost and legal burdens placed on
local lines.  But it won't work for everyone by any means.

Mike Ciholas                            (812) 476-2721 voice
CIHOLAS Enterprises                     (812) 476-2881 fax
2626 Kotter Ave, Unit D                 mikec at
Evansville, IN 47715          

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