[asterisk-users] Astricon followup

Dean Collins Dean at cognation.net
Tue Oct 31 09:44:10 MST 2006

For the benefit of those outside of the USA or those unable to make it
to Astricon; I wanted to send out this email.



For those of you who attended Astricon in Dallas last week what was the
one thing that you saw that made the trip worthwhile?

(if we post enough information or comments it will be of benefit for
those that didn't attend)




For me personally it was the volume of neat add-on applications that the
Asterisk community are developing; Over time I'm hoping that this leads
to something like AppExchange from Salesforce.com were people can choose
from over 300+ applications or addons for SF.


I really want to see more speech recognition applications but I think
it's great what Lumen-vox are doing.


I'd also like to see someone post some more modified "ftp to text to

It doesn't need to be weather, how about Oil futures or wheat prices or
score for the weekends games. Any text file accessible by FTP can be
implemented into this script. I'd like to see more.


I'm hoping that over time we can see even more to the point that people
buy Asterisk just for the applications and we can quote the same price
if not more than cisco because of these addon applications.







www.Mexuar.com <http://www.mexuar.com/>   


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