[asterisk-users] "Guest" SIP-Invites not accepted

Sascha Pollok asterisk-users at pollok.net
Wed Oct 11 05:37:45 MST 2006


I hope this is not a FAQ or some other kind of dumb question. I am
currently running 1.2.10-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1s using a straight-forward
configuration mostly only for ISDN. However, I am also accepting
anonymous SIP connections for external people calling me. This always
worked until yesterday and I am currently trying to find out why
it isnt working anymore. This is what is happening:

The SIP invite UDP-packet is coming in. I can see it when doing a
tcpdump. There is no Netfilter-rule set. Asterisk does not show
the packet when doing "sip debug" nor does Asterisk send any reply.
The packet is just repeated from the remote Asterisk for some time
until its timing out.

So I thought I should use an external SIP-client (softphone) that
is authenticating with the Asterisk. This is working. The Asterisk
replies properly.

So short question: how to debug SIP packets that arrive but do not
show up in Asterisk when doing "sip debug"?

Any more details required? If yes, please ask.

Thanks a bunch!

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