[asterisk-users] Dialout Conferences?

Matthew Rubenstein email at mattruby.com
Sat Nov 18 11:44:51 MST 2006

	How do I set up an existing call to dial out to a new terminal which is
included in a conference with the two existing legs of the call? When
the dialplan executes the Dial(<terminal>) command, control does not
return to the dialplan until the terminal disconnects, after which it's
obviously too late to conference it.

	Is there a conference command or option that lets the dialplan dial out
to a terminal to a new conference member? Is there a dial command or
option that returns control to the dialplan for then calling a
conference command on the dialed terminal, or executes another command
inside the process cycle of the dial command that adds the dialed
terminal to a conference, after the terminal answers but before it hangs

(C) Matthew Rubenstein

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