[asterisk-users] Ringing a group of phones but not if they are busy

Alberto Pastore alberto at msoft-italia.com
Sat Nov 18 02:51:30 MST 2006

Chris Bagnall ha scritto:
>> 	I need to ring a group of 8 phones, but not if they are already on 
>> another call.  How can I determine which of those 8 phones are busy so 
>> I only ring the others?
> I've done this in the past by disabling call waiting on the phones and put
> all 8 phones into a "ringall" queue. Then, when you call that queue, the
> phones already on calls return SIP BUSY,whilst the others ring as normal.
> It's not perfect, but for most of our users the call waiting noise in the
> earpiece is an annoyance anyway.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Chris
If you disable call waiting, then you don't need a queue.
With grandstream gxp-2000 phones, calling
rings only off-hook phones.

However, I have also SPA-941 phones.
Is it possible to disable the call waiting feature on Linksys SPA-941?
I haven't succeeded so far... and the multiple Dial() method or
the Queue are not working either.

I had to change my extensions.conf macro to do ChanIsAvail sequentially,
that is, for each phone I call ChanIsAvail and then check the results
to see if the phone is busy. If not, I add it to the dialstring to
pass to Dial() eventually.

Since there are 10 phones to check, and the process is not atomic,
it can (very rarely) occur that a phone is included in the dialstring
but has just become busy, and the user gets the annoying call waiting

Any clue?

Alberto Pastore
B-Press Srl - Gruppo MSoft
P.IVA 01697420030
P.le Lombardia, 4 - 28100 Novara - Italy
Tel. 0321-499508 
Fax 0321-492974

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