[Asterisk-Users] Zap channels ringing too loudly

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Wed May 31 10:45:40 MST 2006

Hi Nick,

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 12:58:55PM +0100, Nick Burch wrote:
> Hi All
> I've got an asterisk system, using a couple of Xorcom Astribanks to 
> provide FXS ports. (I'm using the zaptel 1.2 branch, if that matters)
> I've noticed that the ringing volume is a lot louder than on our old phone 
> system, and people are starting to complain it's too loud. (This is the 
> noise the phone makes when it rings, not the noise in your handset when 
> you ring someone else)
> Having had a look through the code, I think that Asterisk passes the 
> responsibility for ringing the phones to Zaptel, which drives the 
> astribank to make them ring. Is this correct?

Anything that analog is probably the job of the digital-to-analog chip
used. Not of the digital stream sent by Zaptel.

> Despite looking through the zaptel source code, I couldn't find anywhere 
> that screamed "I'm the volume your phones ring at". Just a lot of scary 
> numbers in zonedata.c, and cryptic comments in tone_zone.h
> Could someone suggest how I'd go about making the zap ring volume quieter?

I don't have the specs here. I'll just note that component used in the
Astribank is quite similar to the one used by Digium in the TDM400P and
TDM2400P . Grep for proslic. Note, however:

$ cat /proc/xpp/XBUS-0/XPD-0/slics 
# Writing bad data into this file may damage your hardware!
# Consult firmware docs first
SLIC_REPLY: D reg_num=0x0, dataH=0x0 dataL=0x0

Tzafrir Cohen      sip:tzafrir at local.xorcom.com
icq#16849755       iax:tzafrir at local.xorcom.com
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com               

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