[Asterisk-Users] Memory-leak

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Tue May 30 09:07:44 MST 2006

Hi Attilla -

> So, this left me only one conclusion. The application with the memory
> leak is Asterisk.

I know every situation is different, but I just thought that I'd point
out that I have machines running that I haven't restarted in
months.  Of course, hasn't been out that long, but before that
these boxes were running 1.2.6, 1.2.4, and 1.2.3, and I didn't restart
for any of those updates.  I did a restart when running version 1.2.2,
but that version had a more serious flaw than a memory leak.  All my
machines are running Tao  Linux (a Redhat Enterprise clone).  I'm not
using ztdummy, but I do have zaptel cards.  All machines are either
Xeons or P4's.

Asterisk and zaptel depend on a number of other items including bison,
libnewt, and usb-uhci.  You might want to check and make sure all of
these are working and not leaking anything.

- Noah

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