[Asterisk-Users] Outband call from php script

Postmaster - Allomundo.com asterisk at allomundo.com
Tue May 23 05:17:42 MST 2006


I am trying to make the following... Can someone tell me if it is 
possible? Is someone willing to do it from an asterisk at home box?

1. I send an http request to asterisk at home box.
Ex: http://asterisk@home/call.php?phone=0033102030405&code=12345
2. Application will call phone number 0033102030405 (using a sip provider)
3. Application will play a pre-recorded voice prompt
4. Application will invite the user to enter a number password

5. If password match code of the URL (12345 in this exemple), 
application send an http request back to me.
Ex : http://mywebserver/response.php?phone=0033102030405&verif=OK


5. If password does not match code of the URL, ask user to retry (up to 
3 time). If conversation is over 90 secs, hang-up and send an http 
request back to me.
Ex : http://mywebserver/response.php?phone=0033102030405&verif=not_OK



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