[Asterisk-Users] mISDN trouble with a HFC Cologne card, Asterisk Asterisk 1.2.4 on Linux - incoming DTMF detection

Cosmin Prund cosmin at adicomsoft.ro
Thu May 11 00:02:06 MST 2006

Hello everyone. I've got this really annoying HFC Cologne card (or 
however I should call it - a single channel ISDN card based on the HFC 
It wrongfully detects lots and lots and lots of incoming DTMFs, to the 
point the card is not usable.

Here's a sample out of CLI:

P[ 1] I IND :DTMF_TONE oad:206361 dad:520101
P[ 1]  --> mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
P[ 1]  --> facility:FAC_NONE out_facility:FAC_NONE
P[ 1]  --> info_dad: onumplan:0 dnumplan:0 rnumplan:0 cpnnumplan:0
P[ 1]  --> screen:0 --> pres:0
P[ 1]  --> channel:1 caps:Speech pi:2 keypad:
P[ 1]  --> urate:0 rate:16 mode:0 user1:0
P[ 1]  --> pid:1 addr:50010102 l3id:30001
P[ 1]  --> b_stid:10010100 layer_id:50010180
P[ 1]  --> bc_state:BCHAN_ACTIVATED
P[ 1]  --> DTMF:*

What's this all about? Is there anything I can do about it?

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